Colin Aherne

photography & music

one day in 2009, Berlin 2019

Been negelecting this “blog” for quite a while now, but after coming across these photos again yesterday, I thought it might be a good way to get back into it.

one day in 2009 was a collaboration with Yerang Choi that we made back in 2019. We used to work together and would often talk about creativity and personal projects and how doing them alone was always a bit of a struggle. There was usually never a deadline and some tended to go on forever. Even now, I have a few different projects on the go that I just can’t seem to finish.

So, we set a deadline for three months, met once a week in a random part of Berlin and just walked around. Every time Yerang wore the exact same outfit, down to the rings on her fingers and taking off her shoes for every photo. I don’t really remember anymore what the project was about or what the title means (maybe it was because all the photos look like they could have been made in one day), but I do remember it was a lot of fun just walking around with Yerang for three months, chatting, drinking coffee and making photos together.

I think this experience really influenced how I work now. Any time I have a shoot, whether with someone new or someone I’ve known for years, that’s always my first suggestion. Let’s pick a place, wander around and see what we get.

December 7th, 2023